Integrazione Samdock + Hipcall


Samdock è un CRM progettato per le piccole imprese che mirano a generare, qualificare e chiudere i lead. Il CRM aiuta le PMI e i liberi professionisti a concentrarsi e a fare un business migliore.

Quando ciò accade (trigger)

Esegui questa operazione (Azioni)

Create task
Creates a new task.
Update task
Updates an existing task.
Create contact
Creates a new contact.
Update contact
Updates an existing contact.
Create company
Creates a new company.
Update company
Updates an existing company.
Create deal
Creates a new deal.
Update deal
Updates an existing deal.
Call init
When a call start.
Call hangup
When the call hangup.
Create callback
When the caller create a new callback request.
Add Organization
Adds a new organization.
Add Person
Adds a new person.
Create Task
Creates a new task.
Get Person by ID
Retrieves person details by ID.
Create Request
Creates a new request.
Get Contact Custom Fields
Retrieves the custom fields for person and organization.

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